Essential Reading: Agriculture

As a newcomer to the industry you are faced with the daunting task of mining through megabytes of data and published information to find out what the industry is all about. SASTA has attempted to make this a little easier for you by compiling a short list of “Essential Reading” material to give you a head start. 

This list was compiled by experts active in the South African sugarcane industry and will be updated on a regular basis.

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Essential Reading - Agriculture


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Essential Reading - Agriculture



Size: 337.28 KB
Hits: 1121
Date added: 19-02-2021
Date modified: 19-02-2021


Size: 333.17 KB
Hits: 1237
Date added: 19-02-2021
Date modified: 19-02-2021


Size: 1.63 MB
Hits: 1388
Date added: 02-02-2021
Date modified: 02-02-2021

2018_Rott Achieving sustainable cultivation of sugarcane Volume 2

Size: 46.84 KB
Hits: 914
Date added: 19-02-2021
Date modified: 19-02-2021

2017_Sugarcane in Africa VIB Fact Series

Size: 4.23 MB
Hits: 2698
Date added: 16-01-2020
Date modified: 16-01-2020

2017_Definitions associated with sugarcane residue

Size: 743.20 KB
Hits: 1960
Date added: 16-01-2020
Date modified: 16-01-2020


Size: 906.17 KB
Hits: 2272
Date added: 16-01-2020
Date modified: 16-01-2020


Size: 663.15 KB
Hits: 2303
Date added: 16-01-2020
Date modified: 16-01-2020


Size: 131.52 KB
Hits: 2219
Date added: 16-01-2020
Date modified: 16-01-2020


Size: 1.01 MB
Hits: 2543
Date added: 16-01-2020
Date modified: 16-01-2020
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