SASTA Membership

SASTA members are persons engaged in the growing, milling or processing of cane or the refining of sugar in South Africa, or persons engaged in scientific or technical research work into any aspect of sugar production or sugarcane processing. Membership is also accepted from persons not directly involved in these areas of work but who have business relationships with the South African sugar industry.

The various membership categories and terms are stipulated in SECTION 6 of the SASTA Constitution.

Become A Member

To become a member, or for any other queries, please contact us.

Membership Categories


Full Members

(2025 Fee: R375)
Those persons engaged in the growing, milling or processing of cane or refining of sugar in South Africa, and employees of such persons as well as those persons engaged in scientific or technical research work into any aspect of sugar production by any recognised Research Institute in South Africa and those persons employed by SASA or any of its constituent or related bodies in work concerned with sugar production in South Africa.

Full Members shall be entitled to:

Nominate candidates for the SASTA Council and the Association;
Vote to elect SASTA Council Members;
Vote at the Annual General Meeting and Special General Meetings;
Stand for election to the SASTA Council.

Associate Members

(2025 Fee: R430)
Those persons not directly engaged in the growing, milling or processing of cane or refining of sugar in South Africa but who have business relationships with the Sugar Industries of South Africa or such other persons as SASTA Council may decide to admit as Associate Members. Associate Members shall be eligible to attend and speak at the Annual General Meeting and Special General Meetings of SASTA, the SASTA Congress, Roadshows and other organised events at Member rates, but ineligible to vote to elect SASTA Council Members, vote at the Annual General Meeting and Special General Meetings, or stand for election to the SASTA Council.


Corporate Members

(2025 Fee: R1 340)
Any firm, corporation, company or organisation not directly engaged in the growing, milling or processing of cane or refining of sugar, but who has business relationships with the Sugar Industries of South Africa, or such other organisations as SASTA Council may decide to admit as Corporate Members. Corporate Member benefits will include provision for a single membership addressed to the appropriate Chief Executive Officer of the organisation, and any four members of the organisation will be eligible to attend the annual congress, roadshows or any other SASTA organised events at member rates. Corporate Members shall be ineligible to vote to elect SASTA Council Members, vote at the Annual General Meeting and Special General Meetings, or stand for election to the SASTA Council.


Honorary Members

Those persons as the SASTA Council deems worthy of the honour. Honorary Members are not required to pay a subscription amount. Honorary Members shall be entitled to the same privileges as Full Members. Honorary Members shall be nominated and elected by the SASTA Council, but notice of such an election must be given at a previous SASTA Council meeting.


Retired Members

(2025 Fee: R95)
Full Members who reach 65 years of age are eligible to become Retired Members. The Retired Members shall be eligible to attend and speak at the Annual General Meeting and Special General Meetings of SASTA, the SASTA Congress, Roadshows and other organised events at Member rates, but ineligible to vote to elect SASTA Council Members, vote at the Annual General Meeting and Special General Meetings, or stand for election to the SASTA Council. Retired Members shall pay a reduced membership fee.


Exhibitor Members

(2025 Fee: R365)
Any firm, corporation, company or organisation who wishes to exhibit or sponsor items and events at the SASTA Congress or any other SASTA event. Exhibitor Members will be eligible to attend the annual congress, roadshows or any other SASTA organised events at member rates. However, Exhibitor Members shall be ineligible to vote to elect SASTA Council Members, vote at the Annual General Meeting and Special General Meetings, or stand for election to the SASTA Council.